Monday, December 10, 2012


Back in 2011 when I started my weight loss/get fit journey, I also started a New Year's tradition for myself.  After reflecting on my goals and hopes for the coming year, I pick one word to become my focus, my mantra, my theme for the upcoming year.

This is a very Oprah thing to do.  That's cool.  Oprah is Queen of the World for a very good reason.

In 2012, my word was Nourish. I wanted to nourish my body with better food and my soul with better pursuits and a better attitude.  I was determined to nourish the important relationships in my life - I was equally determined to be less invested in those relationships and things that don't nourish me. 

I guess it's time to give myself a grade on my nourishing year - Let's go with a solid B.  I've made a lot of progress in nourishing my body and soul, but honestly I know I could have done better.  I feel good about many of the relationships in my life - my marriage continues to be the greatest comfort in my life, and I think I've been a better partner in the last year.   I've been a conscientious mother, if not a perfect one.  I've been mindful of being a better daughter, sister, and friend.  I've made progress in clearing my head of worries I have for the future, and just enjoying the present.  I've been able to put some non-nourishing situations in better perspective, although that is something that is still difficult for me.

2013 is calling out for something very different.  My new word came to me today when I was out for a run.

When I was in high school, I had a chemistry teacher who intimidated the shit out of me.  One of her teaching methods was to make you stand up and give the answers to homework and classroom problems.  The first wrong word out of your mouth - actually, the first wrong syllable - and she would shout, "NEXT!" You'd sit down, the next person would stand and pick up where you left off.  It was terrifying to me.  Oh, the stomach aches, sweaty palms, and tears in my eyes during that class.

I remember one day in class carefully trying to choose my words, hoping against hope that I would say the right thing and not get the dreaded "NEXT!"  I was talking in a whisper, completely unsure of myself. 

"You know what your problem is, Jennifer?  I'll tell you what your problem is.  You are a wimp, my dear.    You are an intellectual wimp and I imagine a wimp in all things.  You are afraid that you will do the wrong thing and the earth will open up and swallow you whole.  That is a shame."


And pretty accurate. 

If I was that kid from the tv show The Wonder Years, I'd  be able to say I learned a valuable lesson that day, everything changed, and I forever more proceeded boldly and with confidence.  But that's just in my fantasy sequence voice over.

"Laugh at yourself, but don't ever aim doubt at yourself.  Be bold.  When you embark for strange places, don't leave any of yourself safely on shore.  Have the nerve to go into unexplored territory." - Alan Alda

My word for 2013 is Bold.

I have some very bold goals for 2013, and to meet them, well, I need to be bold, too.  I know I have it in me.  I am not that scared, easily intimidated 16 year old girl who wanted to fall into the earth during Chemistry class.  I have no problem being bold for others.  My kids?  My boldness has been tested as a parent many times.  I'm badass.  I don't even flinch.

But now it's time to be bold just for me.  It's time to proceed confidently, and meet the goals that I've been dreaming about for the last two years.   It's time to pursue some of the dreams that scare me.  The earth isn't going to open and swallow me if I should stumble or fail.

I will write more about my goals in the coming weeks. I've got big plans for 2013. 

I encourage you to consider this silly little word thing.  There's some magic in it.  It really helps you to focus and evaluate yourself throughout the year much more than a resolution.  If you decide to do this, I'd love to hear what word you choose and why.

Oh, and my husband Andy picked his word.  Have you heard?  The Bird is his word.

I love that man, corniness and all.

This is as bold as I got in 2012 - red lips!  And it took me years to buy red lipstick.  Just so you know how difficult bold is for me.

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