Saturday, January 5, 2013

These are a few of my least favorite things....

This is exactly as I remember disliking him.  RIP, Robert Urich.

I'm a pretty positive person, I think.    I love life.  I believe in the inherent goodness of people.   Smiling's my favorite. But I must be wearing my cranky pants this morning because I feel like creating a list of some of the things that annoy me.  Why not?  People/places/things mentioned herein range from mild-persistent annoyances to sources of dread and something approaching irrational hatred.  Step inside my cranky mind!

Robert Urich, 99.9% of the world's cats, Fox News, Fox Anything (except "New Girl" - it's delightful!), Pink Floyd,  licorice , racist people, homophobic people, Jennifer Aniston, co-dependent people, the words "moist" and "slacks" and if you put those words together in a sentence then I'll hate them both twice as much!, when people crack their knuckles, public restrooms, xenophobes, jazz music (to my core!), most unitaskers -  you know things that do one and only one thing when another object you already own can do the same job with precisely .1% effort!

You don't need this!  This is cute, but dumb!  Use a  knife!

people with no tolerance for kids being kids, people who let their kids do ANYTHING because "kids will be kids", candy corn,  when babies smell like cigarettes,

This song!

when people don't put their grocery carts back, people who complain about everything!  ;-) :)

There's probably more - probably a lot more - but this will do nicely right now.  I feel cleansed.  

Happy Saturday!


  1. With the exception of Jazz, that seems like a very reasonable list. I'll be sure to shelve my Miles Davis albums when you are around.

  2. Every year when I was a kid, I was taken against my will to the "Kool Jazz Festival" @ Blossom. I mostly remember being face down in the grass and sobbing, begging for a merciful end to the "koolness". A few years back, I was lucky enough to get tickets to see Stevie Wonder perform in Oberlin...I had to sit through a two hour jazz concert first. Torture! Stevie Wonder was worth it.
