Friday, February 14, 2014

Feeling lusty in the kitchen

I have a little secret this Valentine's Day.

Ok, it's not really a secret if you know me.

I am in deep, DEEP satisfying love with two new kitchen appliances. Their presence in my life is really making this whole February No Eating Out Challenge a breeze.  Great love will do that, ya know - smooth the rough patches, and make life so much easier and happier.

What do I call these loves of mine?


Their cold, hard names quite the contrast to their sweet, nourishing nature.

I've wanted a heavy duty blender for quite some time, but always balked at the cost.   My husband is  embracing the "Vegan Before 6" philosophy, and was also interested in a powerful blender that could make smoothies, dips and soups to support his new way of eating.  With both of our birthdays in January, we decided to purchase a blender as a joint birthday present.

I researched the hell out of blenders during the month of January.  That must be a sure sign of getting old when you research blenders in your free time - but I'm not about to buy a $300-$400 ANYTHING without doing my homework. I won't bore you - like I did my husband - with all the details, youtube videos, reviews and frugal angst that went into the Great Blender Debate.  I'll just say for our needs the Blendtec came out the winner. 

I love, love, LOVE this blender.  As I write this, we've run 48 blend cycles - mostly smoothies - in two weeks.  Oh, ask me how I know how many blend cycles I've run?!  Because this adorable and powerful piece of equipment keeps track of that for me.   This is great because it means I can throw a party or have confetti drop from the ceiling when I make my 1000th smoothie.  The Blendtec makes positively perfect smoothies - Hit the "smoothie" button and 45 seconds later, you have a seed-free, ultra-smooth drink, exactly like the kind at a smoothie shop.

I haven't had a single second of buyer's remorse.  My 12 year old who is NOT a breakfast eater has had a banana strawberry smoothie or Sunny Side Up Smoothie every morning for the last two weeks   My husband's daily breakfast, the rather of sexily-named Green Flaxy  (no?  just me?) has really made a difference in his energy level at a very physical job. My oldest son - the pickiest about fruit - has been having a berry smoothie (raspberry/strawberry/pomegranate/cherry) with added hemp protein on most days.   I'm fond of the more tropical green smoothies - coconut milk, spinach, pineapple and mango is super tasty!  Oh, and Peaches and Cream Green is awesome.  We've also made batches of guacamole, carrot juice, fruit sorbet and even ice cream with this blender.  And we've only scratched the surface! Tonight we tackle margaritas - since it's Valentine's Day and all :)

Now, here's where my love of the human-to-human kind comes in.

When my birthday rolled around on January 31, I was already a day into Blendtec Bliss and did not expect anything else for my birthday.  We made an agreement that this expensive piece of equipment would be it.  But that husband of mine? He's a good one, and he pays attention and likes to surprise me.   And on my birthday morning, I was greeted with something I had been lusting after for years.

She's a beaut!  And she's all mine!

Did I mention my great affection for my husband? This is a another luxury item that I could never pull the trigger on - it seemed unnecessary and too expensive.  Since I like my coffee McDonald's-lawsuit-hot,  I was also worried that it couldn't possibly make coffee hot enough for me.    My eyes have been opened - it IS a luxury, unnecessary item but I guess that could be said of a lot of things.  It IS also incredibly convenient, not a bit messy, fun, and damn! it gets my coffee plenty hot (192 degrees).

So, this is why the February challenge has not been all that difficult for the family.  We've been sitting around the kitchen drinking good coffee and perfect smoothies.

And as the saying goes...
Who needs to go out for hamburger when you have steak at home?
Am I right, fellas?
wink, wink...nudge, nudge.

What's for Dinner?   The line up for Week #3 of  our February Challenge.

Saturday * Crockpot O' Chili
Sunday:    eating dinner @ sister's house (nephew is turning 16!)
Monday:   Hungarian Mushroom Soup, Cheddar Bacon Wedge Salad, Honey Wheat Bread
Tuesday:  ** Whole Wheat Spaghetti with Bolognese,  Shredded Brussel Sprouts w/Bacon
Wednesday: Skinny Greek Yogurt Chicken, Couscous, Green Beans
Thursday:  (Whole Wheat) Penne A La Betsy,  Roasted Broccoli
Friday - *** Pork Piccata w/ Steamed Spinach, Mashed Potatoes, Carrots, Sauteed Spaghetti Squash

Extras to make this week:  butternut squash soup (for some lunches and stocking up freezer),  whole wheat banana bread (late week snack for kids)

* Mother-In-Law's recipe.  The kids love it.  A very mild chili.  Makes a TON so will also help stock lunches in freezer
** Already in freezer so I don't need to make it this week, but you should really try this fantastic recipe.  Absolutely delicious and  makes a lot of sauce.   In the past, I had enough for one meal over pasta, and then would make a lasagna with leftovers.  Now that oldest son is lactose intolerant, I'm trying to find other ways to use. Another great use for leftover bolognese:  bolognese hash. Sounds strange, but was really good.
*** ok, I'm technically cheating with this dinner.  My friend runs a fabulous at-home cooking service.  She prepares healthy, real food dinners and sells them frozen.  I bought the Pork Piccata back in January.  Cheater, cheater - pork piccata eater!

Happy Valentine's Day ! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

February No Eating Out Challenge

193 -  number of meals an average American eats annually in restaurants
 (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2012)

$963 -  amount of money an average American spends annually eating out for lunch
(Visa survey, 2013)

$2,505 - amount an average American consumer spends in dining out annually
(US Dept Labor, 2010)

41% -  adolescents who consume fast food on any given day  (NPR 11/5/12)

309 - the number of additional calories consumed by adolescents on the days they eat fast food
 (NPR 11/5/12)

27 Minutes - The amount of time spent per day in an average American household on the preparation/cooking of food
(Michael Pollan, Cooked) 

Each February, our family participates in a little challenge.   For the entire month, we prepare all of our food at home.  There is no dining in restaurants, no take-out, no fast food, no vending machines, no coffee stops, nothin' - all food is purchased during our regular grocery shopping, and prepared at home although it may be eaten elsewhere - and often needs to be out of necessity!  We also aim to not increase our consumption of convenience foods.   The entire goal of the challenge is to eat better and save money.

We pick the month of February for a several reasons; 1) we're still financially strapped from the holidays, 2) we're still  packing the extra pounds from the holidays, and, 3) hey! I ain't gonna lie - this is a bit challenging and it's the shortest month of the year!

I am a big proponent of at home cooking year round.  It's good for your wallet, health, and for family time, too.  I adore cooking with my children - they are older now, and it doesn't happen as often as I'd like.  But I love that it's not at all unusual for my teenage sons to be standing next to me peeling, slicing, chopping, stirring, tasting.  There's a bit of magic in that, I think.  It brings me a lot of pleasure to prepare healthy and tasty food for my family.  In a perfect world, I'd have all the time in the world to do that, but the reality is that I work full-time, and in the evenings I'm as busy as the next mom  -  chauffeuring kids to various activities, helping them with homework, trying to find the time to exercise, keeping the house picked-up, staying on top of Mt. Laundry.

“For is there any practice less selfish, any labor less alienated, any time less wasted, than preparing something delicious and nourishing for people you love?”
Michael Pollan, Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation 

I believe it's a myth that healthy cooking is necessarily time consuming.  It does not need to be.  For example, last week, we had a dinner of whole wheat quesadillas made with homemade refried beans, cheddar,  tomato, and avocado plus Mexican rice, and green beans.    I put the pinto beans in the crockpot that morning, and that took all of five minutes.    The rest of the meal came together very quickly after work - 30 minutes from start to finish.  I could barely visit the fast food drive thru  and get back in that amount of time.

A couple of things that really help me in February and beyond:

1).  Plan ahead.   This is SO important.  I spend about one hour per week planning my meals and shopping lists.  This is serious planning.  I lock myself in my bedroom with the computer until I'm finished. I gather my recipes, mostly from Pinterest.  From those recipes, I form my shopping lists.  I really think this focused hour of planning saves countless hours wondering what's for dinner, multiple trips to the grocery store or giving in to lesser food options.

2)  Keep it simple.  I keep my more elaborate meals for the weekend when I may have more time.  During the week, most of our meals are very simple and come together in under 30 minutes.   It takes no time at all to prepare a protein with simple seasoning, roast a vegetable and cook a fast-cooking grain like couscous or quinoa.

3). Cook once, eat twice (or more).  I freeze my leftovers in single servings.  Then when I'm running late for work and don't have a lunch packed, I can grab a healthy and delicious soup for lunch.  During a week's planning, I always stretch one meal into two in some way.  For example, last week I made bbq chicken in the crockpot and served it with rice and sauteed brussel sprouts.   Later in the week, we had BBQ chicken pizzas.

First incarnation of BBQ chicken

Second incarnation of BBQ chicken later in week.  Saves time and money!

4)  Don't be a short order cook.  Just say no. There's no way I could cook every day in February if I was making four different dinners for four different people in our house.   My family is fairly unpicky, but I think they are that way because we've never catered much to pickiness.   There may be parts of a dinner that are more appealing to different members of the family - they are welcome to play with the portions of what is being served according to taste.  If they are still hungry, they all know how to cook eggs/toast, heat up frozen left overs, make a sandwich, make a smoothie, etc. to get their fill.

Here is my current week of dinner recipes, and a link to recipes when available.

Monday:   Chicken fried rice (use leftover roast chicken)
Tuesday:   Slow Cooker Beef Curry, Jasmine Rice, and Sauteed Eggplant
Wednesday:  Meatloaf, Couscous With Zucchini and Basil, Roasted Cabbage 
Thursday:  Chicken Marsala  with whole wheat pasta
Friday:  Valentine's Day Dinner for the family!!  Carbonara with Panseared Sea Scallops, salad with homemade whole wheat croutons, garlic bread and chocolate lava muffins  – margaritas for adults! 

The first week of our challenge went amazingly well, and the second looks on track too.  The kids have not complained about missing treats or going out to eat (we tend to eat out once per week normally).

In our very first February challenge, we were shocked when the adults in the family both lost weight AND we saved an extra $400.  We had no idea how high the monetary and health cost of convenience had become for us.  This challenge was definitely one of the first things that helped change our perspective, and was a major factor in the lifestyle changes we've made in recent years. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Fall Down 7 Times, Stand Up 8

Oh yes, I can.

And I know it’s hard when you’re falling down
And it’s a long way up when you hit the ground
Get up now!
Get up!
Get up now!
-Imagine Dragons "On Top of The World"

In the last six months of 2013, I regained 25 of the 72 lbs that I had lost in the previous 2.5 years.

That looks as ugly in print as it sounds in my head.

Of course,  I have many excuses.  Failing with my marathon training last year really messed with my head and put me in a downward spiral.  I was very busy and stressed with family issues during the fall.  Though I never stopped running and working out, I got lazy with it as the pounds piled up and it became more difficult. And the truth of the matter is that you really can not outrun a poor diet.  During the holiday season, I seemed to be on a "Leaving Las Vegas" style quest to do myself in with the worst diet imaginable.

It was not looking good, my friends.  But then I got angry.   I've worked far too hard to throw away all of the progress and healthy habits I've made....and  for what?....failed marathon dreams? being consumed by and unable to healthily cope with my first world problems? being too lazy to plan ahead?   That's a big pile of self-indulgent bullshit.

So we're done with that.

Since the beginning of the year, I'm down 6.8lbs, and have some firm plans in place to keep moving forward.  I can reach my ultimate goals this year, and I will.  It's time.

  •  I've rejoined Weight Watchers.  Weight Watchers and I go way back.  And as much as I want to think I'm some badass Lone Wolf  with all the answers and self-sustainable motivation,  it's simply not true.  Weight Watchers offers a specific plan, accountability and support.  I need it, so I'm taking it.

  • Refocusing on clean eating.  I was REALLY off track with this, and I can't tell you how much my body is thanking me now that I'm back to eating a mostly clean diet (no fast food, no highly processed food, no HFCS, cutting way back on refined sugar with the hope of eliminating entirely).   I am not all the way there yet, especially with white bread, pasta and rice - but I will get there.  

  •  Relying on my friends and family.  I've rallied my troops. I'm blessed with great family and friends.  We share our struggles and victories and lend support to each other. I'm checking in with running friends, workout friends, food-struggling friends on a regular basis.  I'm even making some new friends.  I've been assigned to mentor someone in my employer's "New Year, New Me" Challenge.  This means someone who is just starting her weight loss/running journey is depending on ME to set a good example and show her the ropes. That will keep me honest!

  • I'm developing a running plan.   During the dark days of 2013, I learned how important it is for me to be working a training plan towards a specific race and goal.   When I'm following a plan, I'm fully committed.  If a plan tells me, "Run 5 miles at race pace" then by golly, I will do it.  Left to my own vague plan, I will easily skip or reduce runs.  Maybe that wont be the case one day, but for now it is.   My 2014 race schedule so far:  
        •  Chili Bowl Classic 5K (2/15)
        •  St. Malachi 5 mile race (3/5)
        •  Cleveland 10 Miler (4/26) 
        •  Rite Aid Half Marathon (5/18). 
        •  During the summer, I plan to run as many fun 5K races with my son as possible, and then pick a fall half-marathon. 

  • I've rejoined my local YMCA.  It's small, dated, and way too warm and stinky.  It's also filled with really nice people who smile at you while you're dying on the treadmill.  It's a gym for the unglamorous sort, and that's certainly me.   I plan to crosstrain there two days per week.

  •  I'm resurrecting this blog.   Peer pressuring myself by spilling my guts and sharing the highs and lows works for me.  If you are also struggling and in need of support, I certainly welcome any comments on my blog.  I need support with my own weaknesses, but I also love to give support to others who need it.

 It's time to get busy and move ahead.      I'm ready for another go of it.

I’ve tried to cut these corners
Try to take the easy way out
I kept on falling short of something

I coulda gave up then but
Then again I couldn’t have ’cause
I’ve traveled all this way for something

I take it in but don’t look down

‘Cause I’m on top of the world, ‘ay
I’m on top of the world, ‘ay
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt
I’ve been waiting to smile, ‘ay
Been holding it in for a while, ‘ay
Take you with me if I can
Been dreaming of this since a child
I’m on top of the world.
- Imagine Dragons "On Top Of The World"

So let it be written.  So let it be done.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I was sailing through my marathon training, and was nearly done with Week 7 (of 18) of Hal Higdon's Novice 1 Marathon Training Plan when I, well, came undone.

Last week's plan:

Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 3 mile run
Wednesday - Jazzercise
Thursday - 6 mile run
Friday - Rest
Saturday - 12 mile run
Sunday - 3 mile walk

I had an amazing 3 mile run that Tuesday.  The weather conditions were ideal, and I felt strong and fit.  With a cool breeze and not even needing to carry water,  I decided to go for it, and see what I could do.  On a good day, I can run one mile at an 11min/mile pace.  Well, Tuesday was a great day because look what I did!

I was so proud,and felt all I am Woman Hear Me Roar/Chaka Khan/Wonder Woman. Just all good things!  

Wednesday's Jazzercise was great as always and Thursday's 6 mile run was tough (and warm!) but I maintained a decent pace and had a good run.  Everything looked promising for last Saturday's long run.  I hadn't run 12 miles in about six months, but I wasn't really too worried about it.

The way I told the story on Saturday afternoon was that I was just fine until mile 10, and then broke down mentally and physically.  My stomach acted up, my right hip was burning, my left knee hurt and I had the worst chafing from the back of my damn bra strap that you've ever seen. Yes, I know, TMI, but this is not a pretty business and I'm painting the full gross picture here.

But that's not how it really happened.   For two hours, I ran and kept a decent pace while my inner cruel master flogged me and grilled me with questions.

How are you ever going to be able to keep up with this training when you go back to work on Monday?
Right now, you are so busy you can hardly handle your life.  Your kitchen floor is filthy, and you have several undone projects around the house.

What about the boys?  G. is starting high school and his first season of high school sports.  S. is starting a new school too, and that's a whole new group of people to work with on his IEP, train for his equipment and needs.  Andy would love to help, but he works so much that he can't and you certainly can't burden him with any of this when he works like a dog. 

You really think you're going to get up and run at the buttcrack of dawn, go to work, come home and help S. with homework (and let's be honest - we are talking some grueling hours there), make it to all of G.'s games,  get  S. to his practices and dance classes, cook good and healthy meals for the family, and keep the house afloat while Andy works 12+ hours per day?

Are you insane, girl?

Oh, and it doesn't help that you are over 40 and still 40 lbs overweight.  What if you hurt yourself with this crazy marathon idea, and then you can't run anymore?   Like, at all? Is a marathon really worth hurting yourself and then not being able to enjoy running for fun and fitness for the next 20+ years?   You'd lose what's left of your mind and gain every pound back.  And probably a few more because you tend to go big or go home, right?

And, Damn!, this really does suck running alone on these long runs.  It's a bit lonely, and time crawls and don't you get a little tired of listening to your breathing and footsteps? Maybe if you could fix your damn play list and  stop listening to the SAME songs for the last 6 months this would all be easier?!

And the kids....again the kids.  Where's your favorite place in the world, Jen?  With your kids.  Is it fair for them to get even less of you?  You're going to go out for a 4 hour run on Saturday?  One of the few times in the week when you can actually be with your husband and your kids at the same time.  And let's not even talk about all the money you are dropping into this training - shoes, fuel belt, registration fees, hotel, etc - that money could go to the kids' activities and needs.

After 10 miles of this, everything gave out.   For the first time since I started running two years ago, I felt like I really couldn't run another step.  I had to walk 2 miles back to my car.  I was done, miserable, and so angry with myself.  And, of course, filled with self-doubt.

So where am I a couple of days later?  Still filled with doubt.  I have some  legitimate concerns to work through. The fact is that I will have great difficulty trying to accomplish my goal. While I don't think it's impossible, I've got to weigh this dream against everything I'd have to let go in order to make it happen.

Andy, as always, has been the best.  He used to call me "sweet stuff" (shut up! it's cute!).  Lately, he calls me me "tough stuff" instead.  He's always my best cheerleader.  My friends have been wonderful and supportive.  The kids are quite impressed with my efforts, and supportive as well.  I am a lucky and blessed woman. I feel the love every day.

For this week, I will continue training. Yesterday (Monday), I ran another 3 at a decent pace in some heat (11:25).  I had no unusual aches or pains and felt good.

I have until August 31 to transfer my registration from the full to the half marathon.  I don't want to view that possibility as a failure, and I'm working hard on that.

For now, I'm just going to carry on - work the plan, and hope it works for me.  One day at a time!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Where I've Been and Where I'm Going....Marathon Training Begins!

Photo courtesy of Muddy Shoes Photography

Last week, the boys and I enjoyed a wonderful vacation at a beach house in Nags Head, North Carolina with our very good friends.   We felt  incomplete since Andy couldn't join us, but we focused on the fun and really had a marvelous time.  

He loves his mommy ;-) (photo: Muddy Shoes Photography)

Kiddos at Jockey's Ridge(photo: Muddy Shoes Photography)

I had a lot of time to reflect while on vacation.   My big revelation:  There is a big difference between vacationing with your kids when you're fat/unfit and still-kind-of-fat/fit.


During vacations past,  I often just existed as a smiling face in the background of photos.   I always had fun, don't get me wrong, but so many things were hard to do - it was hard to keep up with the kids when I was 100+ pounds overweight.  It was embarrassing to be seen in a bathing suit.  I skipped certain activities because I feared weight limits or was worried about being able to haul my fat ass up on a jet ski. There was a lot of looking on and smiling.  I enjoyed watching my kids, but I longed to be part of the action.

This vacation was so different.  Because Andy couldn't make it, I felt some extra pressure to step up.  I drove a jet ski! The life jacket fit, and there was no hauling of ass to get on - I simply hopped up.  (I really didn't care for the jet ski experience because fit or unfit,  I will always be a granny-type driver).  I still don't look great in a bathing suit, but I'm perfectly ok in wearing one, and swimming/playing/schlepping to the beach in one.  I climbed a lighthouse with my kids, and the 200+ stairs in intense heat and humidity didn't phase me.   I ran up the sand dunes without breaking a sweat.  And I enjoyed 4 glorious morning runs for a total of 13 miles.  I even logged my fastest mile (10:18) on a particularly hot and humid morning.    And this all felt good.  So, so good. 

Vacation success was just the boost in confidence that I needed because today is the day I start training for the Columbus Marathon (Note: although I haven't been Catholic in many years, whenever I say "I'm training for a marathon" I feel like I should make the sign of the cross over myself).

My initial plan was to follow Hal Higdon's Novice 1 Marathon Training Plan.

After some thought, I've tweaked that plan a bit to come up with my own training plan.  Here is my 18 week plan:

              Mon     Tues        Wed          Thurs       Fri       Sat         Sun
Week 1    Rest    3 miles    Jazzercise    3 miles    Rest    6 miles     Body Sculpting
Week 2    Rest    3 miles    Jazzercise    3 miles    Rest    7 miles     Body Sculpting
Week 3    Rest    3 miles    Jazzercise    4 miles    Rest    5 miles     Body Sculpting
Week 4    Rest    3 miles    Jazzercise    4 miles    Rest    9 miles     Body Sculpting
Week 5    Rest    3 miles    Jazzercise    5 miles    Rest    10 miles   Body Sculpting
Week 6    Rest    3 miles    Jazzercise    5miles    Rest      7 miles     Body Sculpting
Week 7    Rest    3 miles    Jazzercise    6 miles    Rest     12 miles   Body Sculpting
Week 8    Rest    3 miles    Jazzercise    6 miles    Rest      Rest         Half Marathon
Week 9    Rest    3 miles    Jazzercise    7 miles    Rest      10 miles    Body Sculpting
Week 10    Rest    3 miles    Jazzercise    7 miles    Rest    15 miles    Body Sculpting
Week 11    Rest    4 miles    Jazzercise    8 miles    Rest    16 miles    Body Sculpting
Week 12    Rest    4 miles    Jazzercise    8 miles    Rest    12 miles    Body Sculpting
Week 13    Rest    4 miles    Jazzercise    9 miles    Rest    18 miles    Body Sculpting
Week 14    Rest    5 miles    Jazzercise    9 miles    Rest    14 miles    Body Sculpting
Week 15    Rest    5 miles    Jazzercise    10 miles  Rest    20 miles    Body Sculpting
Week 16    Rest    5 miles    Jazzercise    8 miles    Rest    12 miles    Body Sculpting
Week 17    Rest    4 miles    Jazzercise    6 miles    Rest    8 miles      Body Sculpting
Week 18    Rest    4 miles    Jazzercise    2 miles    Rest    Rest          MARATHON!

I've made several changes to the plan.

1)  The original plan has you running 4 days per week including 3 runs Tues/Wed/Thurs.  I completely eliminated one run per week (the shortest one - almost always 3 miles throughout the training program, but never more than 5 miles) and replaced with a one hour jazzercise session.  I know this is a HUGE change, but one with which I am comfortable.  I think.  Gulp.  I do not run back  to back days, and I strongly feel that is part of the reason I've remained injury free for the two years I've been running. 3 runs in a row?  Nope.  Don't want to risk it.  If an experienced runner is reading this, and thinks I'm making a huge mistake I would love to hear from you.

2).  I believe jazzercise is a good replacement for the fourth short run.  The cardio is intense, plus I get some strength and ab work.

3) I will do a 50 minute "Body Sculpting" class at Jazzercise as my "cross training" day.   I've really enjoyed this class, and the work on my core.  I know core strengthening is pivotal to becoming a better runner.  My core is pretty much bread dough wrapped in marshmallow fluff.  It needs some work!

Overall, this plan seems pretty doable to me.  It's kind of crazy to look ahead at this point and see a week where I will run 10 miles, take a day off, and then run 20 miles.  Oh gosh, I'm doing the sign of the cross over myself again!

On the car ride home from North Carolina, the kids started to give me ideas for my marathon training/running play list.   Both boys think I should run across the finish line to Imagine Dragons' "On Top Of The World."  I love that!  (not to mention that I love their confidence that I will be running across the finish line!)  I told them I wasn't sure I can arrange that song to play at the exact time, and G told me not to worry about it - he'll bring a speaker and play it for me.  <3 p="">

Here goes nothing, folks!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Lucky In Love

One of my friends has a wonderful tradition to celebrate her loved ones on their birthdays.  She takes to facebook, and lists her favorite things about that person.  I love it.  We don't honor our loved ones enough like that. Why shouldn't we proclaim the depths of their awesomeness to the whole world?  Or at least to our corner of it?

Today, my husband Andy and I celebrate our 19th wedding anniversary.  We met at the end of our junior year in high school, and started dating during our senior year.  We were married a week after I graduated college.  I mean,  just look at us...babies!
May 21, 1994

In honor of this day,  I've made a short list of some of my  favorite things about being married to this man.

1). My husband is a grown-up. Evidently, there are guys who experience something called a
"man-cold"?  I've read about men who feign helplessness to get out of performing traditionally female tasks.  I've heard of men who seem perpetually stuck at 12 years old, and are coddled by their wives.  I've never witnessed these things first-hand because I'm married to a grown-up.  Don't get me wrong - you aren't likely to find a bigger goofball than Andy, but he's also a strong, secure, emotionally healthy, got-his-stuff together grown-up.  His legendary togetherness partners nicely with my legendary not-togetherness.
I need my grown-up husband because sometimes I'm a mess.
 Print from The Little Illustrator (Etsy)

2). My husband remembers things. He remembers dates, milestones and moments and then randomly  reminisces about them.  Like what I wore on our first date.  Or how, at three months old,  G.  was exactly the length of his forearm and fit so perfectly there.  Or the very moment he knew our youngest son decided to love him.  I can't think of a single thing that makes me feel more important and loved as his wife than this. 

3). He's predictable in the best sense of the word.  Don't ever let anyone tell you that predictable equals boring in a marriage. If there is a rough patch in life,  it's a guarantee that at some point Andy will kiss my forehead and say, "But we lucky in love, baby!"  If we are having a disagreement, I know he will say, "Never forget that we're on the same team, ok?"  My strong, predictable soft place to land.  Always.

4) He's an extraordinary father.  He would - and actually has -  traveled to the ends of the earth for his family.  He can tell you all about being alone for 36 hours on planes and in airports with a grieving toddler after the adoption of our youngest son.  For many years, Andy worked nights and was the at-home parent during the day for our children.  I worked during the day, and we really had no extra assistance day to day; no daycare, no sitters, no non-working available grandparents.  Andy did it all - doctor appointments, multiple weekly speech, occupational, and auditory verbal therapy appointments for our youngest, library story times, play groups, field trips.  And he did it all with very little sleep and great patience (this is actually when he coined another catchphrase:  "I'll sleep when I'm dead" (always said with a smile :-).  And while today he dispenses both sage and practical advice to his children, he's an even better listener and supporter of their dreams.  He's crafted such a close and beautiful relationship with our sons.  I don't think anything can make you happier as a mother than witnessing that kind of bond between your kids and their Dad. 

3.5 year old G. seeing his Daddy seeing at the airport after Andy's return from Cambodia with baby brother S . One of my favorite pictures of my husband though you can't see his face.  This look doesn't just happen - you earn it by being a very special father.

5)  He's my biggest fan.  I don't entirely get why he believes in me so thoroughly, but he does. I'm pretty sure if I announced today that I wanted to be a rodeo clown, Andy would tell me "That's perfect! You would be the best rodeo clown! What do we have to do to make that happen?"

6)  He really is a goofball, and my favorite friend.  We have a lot of fun together, as a family and as a couple.  Andy enjoys entertaining horrifying the children with his dance moves.  When they were little, he had them convinced that he did not work nights at UPS - he was really The Batman, and the bat cave was hidden in the backyard.  For the last few years, we've driven the boys to summer camp in New Jersey.  This has meant driving 40 hours in less a week - half with kids, and half alone.  Family fun for half that trip - Jen and Andy shenanigans and hijinks for the other half.  When you are married for nearly 20 years and you both look forward to a crazy long time in a car with each other, I guess things are going pretty well.

7)   He still gives me butterflies.   I love the little birthmark under his eye.  And his arms, once poetically described by a stranger as "f*cking Popeye arms".  And that he calls me Jenny sometimes.  And the way he always makes sure my car is filled with gas.  I love the way he plays the Blues on his bass on a Saturday night.  And all of those things listed #1-6?  Super hot.

I know you are totally about to gag now, right?   HA!

We do not have a perfect marriage, and we are not perfect people.  However, I think we are pretty good at loving each other. There are little things that Andy does that make me crazy.  And I am quite certain there are things I do that frustrate him as well.  But we try not to criticize each other.  I know Andy has made us his first priority.   He's made countless sacrifices for us, and the amazing thing is that he doesn't think of any of it as a sacrifice at all. Andy's life for the last 19 years has been a grand gesture of unconditional love, and I appreciate that every day. How can you really wig out about dirty clothes left on the bedroom floor when the big picture is so clear and good?

Next year we will celebrate our 20th Anniversary.   God willing,  it will be on a beach in Mexico with sun, sand, and tasty cocktails. 

A middle-aged couple still going strong. 

Because we lucky in love, baby!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

I'm alive! and I have a plan!

It's been almost two months since I've posted to this blog.

Time flies when you're drowning in life!

Well, "drowning" isn't the right word, I guess.  Far too negative.

My cup runeth over!  Life is so very full!  I'm blessed beyond measure!

.......and I'm damn tired, and can't seem to find the time to put away all the laundry!

Spring is a busy season in our family.  Work picks up to a crazy pace for my husband. The kids are involved in a lot of sports and activities (track, multiple soccer teams, hip hop - including recital preparation).  School starts to hit that frenetic pace when every special project, field trip, field day, ceremony is jammed into the fourth quarter.

I love my life.  I love the fullness, and even the craziness at times.  I love that I have two healthy and active kids who embrace trying new things.  But I'm not going to lie - sometimes this fullness makes it very hard for me to slow down enough to focus on my own health and weight loss goals.

First, the good news:  I am a person who works out 4-5x per week.  Period.  It's what I do now, and I find a way to do it no matter what.  I still find this very cool as someone who avoided sweating for the first 38 years of my life.  Lately,  I've had to get serious about shoehorning workouts in wherever I can.   This means running in the neighborhood near the soccer fields while one of the kids is practicing.    Or racing home from work to get to a 4:30pm Jazzercise class, and then racing a child to a 6pm activity while I'm still a sweaty, gross mess.   It's meant a lot more crockpot dinners so that I can run at the time I would normally be preparing dinner.  And it's definitely meant getting up super early on both Saturday and Sunday to work out before starting the day with the family.

My longest run in the last few months.  Slow and steady, and a look at that calorie burn!

Now, for the less than good news:  Diet.  I've been struggling. I've indulged in more processed food.  We've been eating out about once a week - some celebratory meals but mostly due to the busyness of life, and I've been very lax about those meals. We've had a few more at-home cheapo date-nights, and the wine has been flowing as Andy and I have enjoyed binge watching Game of Thrones.  All of those things add up to 5 extra pounds according to my scale.

However, I finally feel back on track with diet.  Meaning it might not be a coincidence that today is the day I'm resurrecting my blog. Ha! I'm pretty excited because I just may have found the perfect approach to long-term health.

Mark Bittman is a food and cooking writer.  His classic book "How to Cook Everything" is one of my favorite cookbooks of all time - although, it's really much more than just a cookbook.  It's the best cooking reference book ever.

Bittman has a new book out based on a diet (lifestyle) philosophy that has worked well for him for weight loss and general health, and it just makes so much sense to me.

A real foodie, Bittman had no interest in giving up animal products forever when his doctor suggested that a vegan lifestyle would benefit him due to his emerging health issues.  Instead, Bittman came up with a simple way to bring much more of the good stuff, and far less of the bad stuff into his daily diet.   Bittman explains that the reason he chose to eat vegan only before 6pm is because dinner tends to be the most social meal, and would be the hardest time to not share the meals he loves with the people he loves.

The premise is simple - before 6pm (really before dinner - the time is arbitrary), Bittman eats no animal products - his diet is consists of fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts and legumes.  He also doesn't eat processed sugar or refined grains before 6pm.   After 6pm, Bittman eats what he wants within reason.  He still tries to greatly limit any processed junk food or alcohol, but will have those things without guilt if he really wants them.

I started the VB6 approach just four days ago, and so far I'm really loving it for many reasons.

1).  I really do enjoy a real food diet, and such a diet is important to me for health, ecological, environmental and even social justice reasons.    This is a great plan if those issues are important to you, too.

2). I enjoy simple rules.   Counting calories, points or carbohydrates really does not work well for me.  I want to eat intuitively, but still need guidelines to help me make better choices.

3). It works with my current lifestyle.  I already eat different breakfasts and lunches than the rest of the family.  With this approach, I can continue to make the dinners my family loves.  The majority of my dinners are based on whole grains, organic vegetables and lean meats, but I also make a mean Sweet and Sour Chicken, and Buffalo Chicken Casserole.  None of that is off-limits in this approach.

4).  It's not pulling any of my emotional triggers. With different approaches, I would feel a lot of guilt and hopelessness if I screwed up (ate something I shouldn't eat).  With this approach, I can't really screw up.  Each day starts anew.  Of course, every day does ;) - but I've tried a lot of diets where it didn't feel that way.  Weight Watchers, for instance, always seemed "One Week At a Time" to me with the focus on weekly meetings and weigh-ins.   If I screwed up one day, I was likely to throw in the towel for the entire week and that could snowball very quickly.  Now that's not Weight Watchers' fault - that's my fault, but it was a problem I consistently had with that program.  With this approach, if I'm a little overindulgent after 6pm - well, I'm back to veganing it up the next morning.  Something just feels good, and self-limiting with this approach.   I'm definitely at the beginning stages of this, but I also don't feel any desire to go crazy at dinner time just because I really can eat whatever I want.  Surprisingly, this plan doesn't make me feel like I need to eat whatever I want.   

Here's an example of what I ate yesterday:

Breakfast:  Overnight Refrigerator Oats (Mix 1/4 cup quick cooking oats, 1/2 cup rice milk, handful of blueberries, packet of almonds, 1 tsp chia seeds, dash of cinnamon in mason jar and refrigerate overnight.  In morning, take out of fridge for 30 minutes to take chill off.  Eat and enjoy)

Lunch:   Big Salad (spring mix lettuce, bean sprouts, homemade whole wheat croutons, tomato) with red wine vinegar and oil. 1/4 cup tahini-free hummus and baby carrots.

Snack: grapes

Dinner:  2 cup serving of Mulligatawny Soup (chicken, butter and cream in this soup - all off-limits prior to dinner foods) and Ak-Mak crackers

Snack: 1/2 cup Trader Joe's' Honey Greek yogurt (the best greek yogurt, IMO) and a cup of hot tea.

A pretty satisfying and tasty day of eating!   I'm pretty optimistic about these guidelines, and definitely looking forward to taking off those 5lbs that crept up on me, and then moving forward with my greater goals.   I promise I'll be checking in sooner than two months from now.

Finally, on a totally unrelated note- Gotta share my new favorite running song (although not a new song).  Seriously...add this to your playlist, and fly! I 'm pretty sure I skip and wiggle when this one comes on, but I don't really care.