Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Sweet Dreams....Literally.

Day #2:

I had a dream last night.  A dream of a doughnut, a chocolate glazed doughnut.

When I woke up I actually yelled out (ok, more of a whisper so as not to wake my husband)... NOOOOOOO!!!! while hitting my fist on the mattress.  That did momentarily wake my husband. 

I'm feeling way more dramatic than I should be after one day of keeping it real.

Breakfast:   Same as yesterday.   This is likely to be a pattern for me.  I love eating the same breakfast day in and day out.  Always have.

Lunch:    * 1.5 cups of chick pea salad
                delicious, real food chick pea salad
               * a handful of grapes
               * "just a handful" of almonds, cashews and dried cranberries (Trader Joe's product)

Snack:    felt very snacky after work.   Had ounce of cheddar cheese, picked a bit at more chick pea salad,  some cucumber with sea salt

Dinner:     The family had beef stroganoff with egg noodles.  Yum!   I have a friend who has an at-home gig of preparing delicious meals for busy families.  This was one of her creations, and by all accounts was great!
I was craving a quesadilla of sorts so that's what I had.  It was lovely - two scrambled eggs, grape tomatoes, a bit of cheddar cheese and avocado sandwiched between two whole wheat tortillas. 

Snack:      1 (okay 1.5) glass of red wine.  Perfection!

I don't intend for this to be a daily food journal, although it might be that sometimes especially in the beginning.

Just a few things of note:

* I am NOT counting calories during this challenge.  At least not in the beginning.   I need to to adjust first to getting all the processed food, high fructose corn syrup, white flour, white rice, etc out of my diet.  These are big changes for me, and I feel like it's all I can handle right now.   I can't count calories in addition to that.  I'm trying to be reasonable in portions.  We will see how that goes. 

* I don't plan to weigh myself for the first two weeks of the challenge.  When I do I will report any losses or gains, here.  If I have a gain, I will be sitting in a corner and crying because that seems pretty impossible.   God, I hope it's impossible.

* Exercise.  I currently exercise 3-4x per week...Usually 2-3 runs and 1-2 sessions at the gym on the elliptical.   An "unofficial" part of this challenge is to go back to working out 5x per week which was my norm last summer.  Ideally, I wish to run 3x per week, elliptical-ize (?) once, and add some strength training.  I hope to return to my Thursday evening cardiokickboxing class at the Y which I really loved. 

I'm feeling pretty good.  A little "off" perhaps- distracted, irritable at times but nothing too bad.

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