Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving and the Day After

We had a beautiful sunny, 64 degree day on Thanksgiving.  It was perfect.

My day started out early, heading out with the family to run a 5K Turkey Trot.  I absolutely love running 5Ks, especially since my 14 year old son has run all of them with me :-)  He's fast though, so we just see each other at the start, and then high five each other at the finish.    I love that my kids are now (finally) gaining memories of doing things with a fit, healthy mom.   That means everything to me.

Oh, and I was super excited that my brand new running shoes arrived on Wednesday night, so I got to race in them.  Yay!  My old shoes had over 300 miles on them, and I'm hard on running shoes.  They were falling apart.  But look at my crazy NEON new shoes.  I love'em.  I can pretend I'm fast when I wear them.

Thanksgiving was one of my pre-set "cheat days" for this 100 day challenge.  I'm really proud of how I handled the day!

I did not write off the whole day - I had a healthy pre-race breakfast (banana, a slice of toasted Ezekiel Bread with peanut butter), a "real food lunch" of couscous and black beans (seasoned with olive oil, lime, cumin, salt and pepper).

We celebrated the day at my mother-in-law's house.  She's a fantatastic cook and baker!  I felt totally in control.  I enjoyed turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts, a french onion soup casserole.  I had one plateful, and then went back for a bit more.  I skipped bread because it's never worth it, IMO.  I then enjoyed a single slice of pie for dessert - apple! - and a cup of coffee.  I decided it wasn't worth it to cheat on the coffee and add my old favorite french vanilla coffee creamer.  I stuck with black coffee and half and half.

So, I indulged but didn't binge. I enjoyed the day, the beautiful weather, a great race, and good company.  A perfect day!

I was a little scared about how difficult it might be to jump back to clean eating the next day.  I'm happy to say not difficult at all!   I ate clean on Friday - I'm totally loving quesadillas.   Friday's quesadilla was made with eggs, yellow peppers, mushrooms, a bit of cheddar cheese and my beloved Trader Joe's whole wheat tortillas.  I enjoyed some left over turkey slices cold with a bit of mustard on them....YUM!  Lots of fruits and veggies throughout the day.   And ended the evening with some red wine, triscuit crackers (3 ingredient real food!), and guacamole.

Today is Saturday and another pre-determined "cheat day" as it's the day we are celebrating Thanksgiving with my family.   I'm actually not worried about it.   I'm looking forward to my mom's stuffing  and can't wait to try a piece of cheesecake that I made last night :-)


  1. Glad you liked the turkey. I used more herbs, less butter, and more potently flavored stock than turkeys in years past. :)

  2. It was absolutely delicious, Sue! My favorite turkey ever :-)
